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Deakin Direction

Centipede dance group


For the past fortnight our theme was the word ‘end’ I chose to take a photo of nothing really in particular but the photos i chose to take all have a different theme/story to them. i chose to take a poto of the firemans poll at a park, because i remember haveing endless amounts of fun on them and when you are little it feel like the poll is huge and it take forever to hit the ground. my next photo is of books. the one the is in ficus is called ‘for one more day’ it is a book about a man who has depression and tries to commit suicide. this is the end of a life so thats how i came up with that idea. my third photo is of me in the mirror and a mirror behind me and each mirror reflects of the next. when you get it write it looks really cool. and it looks like the photo never ends, but i lacked big mirrors so it didnt work so well. and my last photo is of the underpass down the road from my house. i smudged the end of it to look like a fort was at the end to suck you in like in some movies and they never end or you dont know where they go. i think this assignment was challenging  but i liked it cause i thought outside the box like i usually try and do.

Colour in black and white

For these two photos I have chosen to do ‘emotions’ I chose a colour to go with each photo. I chose the colour ‘blue’, which went with depression or sadness and the colour ‘yellow; to go with happy. To be honest I chose these emotions because they are the easiest but I am really happy with the results. This was a very challenging theme for the past fortnight but I thought well we always associate feelings with colour so I thought I could do that. Pick a colour think of the emotion that goes with it and take a photo.

Life- Opening Flower

my interpretation of life was doing a science experiment of a paper flower opening becuase i would never of been able to catch a real flower opening early in the morning. this was my first idea and i stuck with it as i loved the idea being so original.


The type of Lomography I like the most would have to be the ‘Vignette’. I love the retro look it gives and sort of edge to the photo without changing it too much. This style of Lomography usually has black or dark corners and the photo is make to come accross as a round or oval image. I like the softer effect of the black corners as shown in the pictures below. The Vignette is such a great look i think because it uses bright coulours quite alot but also contrasts and uses lots of neutral plain colours which i like alot.


these are some things that are frosty in the mornings that i found. i chose the frosty grass and the clothes that were on the line that got frost on them.

creative lighting

This photo i took for our creative lighting task. i chose to do ink in water cause it always makes an awesome pattern and you can usually find pictures in them if you look carfully. To take this photo I had to use an artifcial light, as i used a cmera flash.


The theme for the past two weeks was ‘Noise’ and i chose to interprate this in our everday useage of noise and the things around us. i have decided to use; our mouth, music, TV, kitchen timer and last of all a car exhaust.

This photo is of my nephew Anderson and this ties into my theme for the theme over the past two weeks as I chose o take a phot of the face or in partiular the mouth. As the mouth tends to make alot of noise esspescialy when it owns to a young person such as my nephew.

This photo is of my ipod as many people of this generation use one and that is deffinatly one big thing that influense most of ou lives and thats music.

This photo is of my TV andi chose to take this photo because so many people have one these days, they are a massive part of so many peoples live, with the news daytime TV and so many differnt shows. And it makes noise.

This photo is of our oven timer and i chose to take this photo as pasrt of my theme was because it not only makes noise but it is also a big part of so many of our lives as the generations these days learn to cook more and more.

I chose to take this photo as my final photo for the set because as we all know cars make niose and half of the noise comes from the engine and and o help the engine run we need an exhaust.

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